Thursday, August 20, 2009

New Moon in Leo::Aug 20, 2009 @6:01am EST

Today at 6:01am EST, a New Moon occurred in the sign of Leo. Perhaps today you woke up and felt anew or felt like you may have shed some fears away and are ready to approach the world and ready to be brave.

The New Moon is when the moon is going into its waxing stage (meaning in the sky it will appear to grow larger). For years the New Moon has been a time for people to plant seeds (literally and figuratively), so this is a great time to start new projects and to begin to intend or visualize new parts of your life that you are ready to grow. The sign Leo naturally rules the 5th house, house of creativity, children, love affairs, and romance. Leo also is the zodiac sign associated with the heart - both literally and figuratively.

Often when we think of the heart, we think of love and we think of courage. Today is going to be a day to be courageous in not only your actions but in your thoughts. A New Moon in Leo is setting the stage for us to be creative and to be bold in our creations. It is setting the scene for us "to have heart" and to "put our heart into it". If you want something, put your heart into it and go get it! Right now the sun is conjunct the moon in Leo, so we may be feeling extra creative and perhaps even more confident than usual. Here are some forecasts for today and the the next couple days:
Leo: This is your birthday season, let the energy you receive around your birthday be in the foundation of your new personal year. Perhaps you have been wanting to spice up your wardrobe of hairstyle - go for it!
Virgo: Tap into your inner courage, it is going to be called on, and you must remember that you are strong and bold and can solve any problem successfully that comes your way!
Libra: Nothing is too big, allow yourself to dream without limitations! Surround yourself by those who support you.
Scorpio: You have natural ability to take authority right now, use it to get things done and believe in yourself!
Sagittarius: You may have a trip ahead of you that will spark a lot of creativity and fun!
Capricorn: Let today's new moon put to rest any habits from the past that have not been serving you and your highest self. You have the power to create your best life now!
Aquarius: Continue to deal with people in an honest and sincere matter, and you will build some great partnerships. If you are interested in someone romantically, say something!
Pisces: Use this creativity at work to problem solve and to add value to your position at work!
Aries: You may be feeling quite playful lately, continue to radiate that love and let it shine...there is someone who is watching you and interested in playing with you!
Taurus: Take some time to clean house, get rid of old clothes, creatively re-arrange space - there are lots of new things coming to you, you have to create space for it!
Gemini: Be idealistic about what is happening in life, even if other's don't understand why, you know why and that is what counts!
Cancer: Use this time to be creative about how you earn your money, you have lots of potential right now to team up with new people and tap into creativity that will really "pay" off

I wish you all lots of LOVE...let this time be ruled by your heart. Listen to you heart's desire. Act on those desires with FAITH, and know that you deserve the BEST! LOVE LOVE LOVE!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Full Moon Tonight 8/5/09 @ 8:54pm EST

Tonight we are in for a treat with a full moon to view in the sky at 8:54pm. Tonight's full moon will occur in the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius represents the ability to be ecclectic, unconventional, intellectual, progressive, yet at the same time detached. The sign of Aquarius is an air sign, and the air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) represent using mental power and the ability to think and rationalize (sometimes almost too well that we don't connect emotionally). Aquarius naturally rules the 11th house which is the house of friendship and socializing.

Tonight we will experience the full moon in this sign of Aquarius.
During this time, I encourage you all to to think about your thinking.

What are your habits regarding thinking?
If your mind is on automatic, does it default to negative thinking?

Do you expect the best or the worst?
What do you think about yourself?

What do you think that you deserve?

While these questions may seem quite general, I think that once you begin to think about them you may be surprised at what you find. I think that there is a serious epidemic of low self esteem on the rise, and by thinking about thinking I want to encourage us to all to all use our ability to be rational and stop rationalizing negative thinking, self doubt and esteeming low. Let us use the power of Aquarius to think and to also be progressive in our thinking.

Every single person is created in perfection and the labels that we use to describe ourselves and others are only that - LABELS. Labels are words, and to those words we ascribe values, which are simply thoughts. At any time that we choose, we can re-ascribe value to things in the past which we have not valued or which we have esteemed low. Labels and names just help to keep limits on people and keep limits on their physical beings. But are souls are LIMITLESS and cannot be limited. We are created within abundance and creativity, and let us use this time to receive it.

Tonight during this full moon, let us get rid of things that no longer serve us. Let us rid our mind of all the thoughts about ourselves and about others that are not serving us or helping us achieve our goals. The full moon is a great time to release thoughts and things that are no longer useful.

Perhaps tonight, make a list of all the negative thoughts that go through your mind when you think about yourself or others. BE honest. List and confront those words, and rip up that list and release it our of your system. Declare your perfection tonight. Declare the perfection of your existence. Declare that all is well.

As mentioned before, Aquarius is an air sign, so it is very mental and intellectual and is very humanitarian. Aquarius cares about humanity and about the overall being of people. This is a good time to spend caring for others in whatever that means to you - you might find that taking care of yourself is a good way to take care of others!