Monday, March 30, 2009

Welcome to Operation Manifestation! OM!

Thanks to my friend, Julette Millen, I have been inspired to create a 21 day group study and group manifestation.

In many cultures and traditions, 21 is the number of days it takes to make or break a habit. You must commit to actively practicing what you are trying to make or break though for the whole 21 and you WILL SEE RESULTS!

This April, join me for OPERATION MANIFESTATION (OM)!

During this 21 days, we will come together, and BELIEVE! We will believe that we are able to manifest physically through our belief, consistency and through affirmations.

For 21 days, let us each commit to one area in our life we want results and we want change in. Change begins withIN you- not with another person or a thing outside of you. Let us begin to change our thinking and go towards an area of belief, faith, and freedom!

Begin to think about an area in which you want to manifest. Do you want a new career? Do you want a healthier body? Do you want a more affectionate relationship?

Well it is YOURS to have - so begin.

Now as you think about the area you want to commit to, begin to think about affirmations that affirm your goal, here are some great links to inspire and encourage you to create your own affirmations (you can also message me as well):

Starting April 1, we will begin 21 days of affirmations towards manifestation. Commit to a morning and evening ritual to repeat and visualize your affirmations and begin to take note.

I will be sending more tips and info each day of OM!

See you in Success!

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